
Sunday 1 January 2012


Today is the start of a new year....2012. Hopefully, for me, and for everyone else, this will be a good year with new adventures and good health. I don't make new year resolutions like exercise more, diet, spend more time with the family, etc., because these things should always be in our lives. Instead, my resolutions are to laugh more, love more, live more, travel more, take more time off, and live each day to make that day count. So again, these are my resolutions for 2012.

As well, today is Bill Simpson's birthday....and you say who is Bill Simpson? He is my brother's father-in-law sister-in-law's dad. He would always come up from Toronto to celebrate Christmas here in North Bay and spend New Years here as well where we always had a birthday party to celebrate. Today he celebrates 90 years of age and will be celebrating in Toronto. So since I can't be there, I wish Bill a very Happy 90th Birthday and many, many more.

So I hope everyone isn't too hungover this morning and had a safe New Years. As per our tradition, we have a big family dinner once again this evening which will be at my parents' place. And if  the Juniors are playing, we will definitely be watching that today. As for football, well that comes after the hockey.

Happy New Year everyone! Best wishes for the coming new year.

My dad and Bill Simpson, "Happy 90th Birthday Bill"

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