
Monday 30 January 2012


Oh it was a great night last night...and he sang for two hours. What an extraordinary voice Jim Cuddy has. His mellow sounds, the way he looked in his tight jeans, "Karen you picked a bad week to go to Las Vegas". But no worries, I took enough pictures of him so when you come back, you  will have something to look at.

I went with a friend of mine to the concert last night. During the day we are professional people who work hard and are well composed, but let me tell you, last night my friend was hootin' and hollerin', everyone would have heard her. To say she got a bit excited is an understatement. She was over the top with excitement. I think the song "Try" did it for her.  I too enjoyed Jim Cuddy (from Blue Rodeo). His voice does not crack or ever hit a wrong note. It didn't even sound strained or tired after two hours of singing. Now that secret I would like to know....

His whole band was great. The violin player was extraordinary. She played so hard during one song that her bow was fraying. You can tell that they enjoy playing together night after night. They seemed more like family having a great time jamming in their rec room (kind of what my family does) than a band who was out on stage to entertain us. He performed a lot of his new songs on his latest CD but not to leave us disappointed, he performed a few of his Blue Rodeo songs. Although I liked his new stuff, it's the old Blue Rodeo songs that I love the best.

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