
Monday 1 April 2013


Women walking arm in arm, dogs quietly walking next to their owners, and couples with their arms intertwined walk before and after dinner catching up on the day's part of this city. Out to dinner last night, I watched as the husband served the different courses, cleared the table, poured the drinks, and loaded everything into the dishwasher. Once again, I was stunned.Was my mouth hanging open? I looked at his wife and daughter, but it seemed very normal to them. Where have I been living. Chivalry is not dead in Rome. Can we bottle some of this up? I know a lot of women who would be very interested.

Walking past the Colosseum as it was raining,  there was an awful crash as a young girl driving her motorcycle slid halfway across on the wet cobblestones. As quick as the accident happened, a group of guys rushed out in the street in the middle of the traffic, picked her up and picked up her bike. Checking to see what she had broken, both on her and her bike, they helped her.


As you walk by the Colosseum, the Forum, the Palatine, and many other historical sites in Rome, in the last few years there have been more and more street vendors trying to sell the latest gadget along with many street performers. I'm not really in need of a sticky substance that you smash on the ground or a scarf (it's actually quite warm out). But, when it rains, the only ones you will find are those trying to sell you umbrellas and if you don't happen to have one at the time, then it's your lucky day because for a few euros you won't get wet.

The street performers though, are quit interesting. I am always surprised at the imagination of some of these people. I saw one act that still has me perplexed.

See doesn't this look weird? I still can't figure out how it's done.

These two boys had get a better look


To say that I stuffed my suitcase full of chocolates is an understatement. Since this wasn't a shopping trip (sales are only in February and August), I picked up a few of their interesting Easter treats to share with my family for Easter weekend. I stuffed my suitcase with chocolate treats and Easter cakes...and I have to say we all loved them.


Reportedly brought to Rome by St. Helena in the fourth century, these are the stairs that Jesus walked down when Pontius Pilate announced that Jesus would be crucified.

They consist of 28 white marble steps that are encased by wooden steps and are located in a building across from the Basilica of San Giovanni di Laterano. These steps can only be climbed by going up them on your knees. Although I have gone to see these stairs often, this is not something that I have done myself...but it is quite amazing and inspiring watching others do this. As they climb the stairs on their knees, they pray. Once you reach the top, encased, is a piece of the last supper table. Today I spend time watching how many people are doing this. Even if I decided to go up on my knees, it would take me quite a long time because there were so many people. Instead, I decide to go up using the stairs that are located on either side of these saintly stairs which can be climbed up normally.