There are not a lot of chefs I run out to get tickets to see. I usually like to go to their restaurants and try out their food, but since Jamie doesn't have one anywhere near here, this is about as good as it gets. And it doesn't hurt that he is easy on the eyes as well. And that English accent....Oh yes it's the cooking I am going for.
A few years ago during the Toronto Film Festival, we got lucky and landed tickets to a Hello Canada Magazine Party. We saw various celebrities as we as we mingled, but I got so excited when I saw David Rocco in the room, that I didn't even notice his wife with him. (hard to miss because she is quite pretty, but I did and only noticed her later). Now David Rocco isn't exactly a chef with a restaurant, but he does write cookbooks and travels through Europe filming his TV show. Of all the things to say to him, I told him that my mother loved him and watches his show all the time. (Imagine...I said that - not that it wasn't true, but of all the things to say to him). He actually was quite nice. And the picture actually turned out. You see my friend who usually goes to the film festival with me really has a hard time taking pictures...I really mean it. She has a bad habit of putting her finger over the flash - and I have many a picture to show you that has me (or half of me) with some actor or actress or half the actor or actress. So she was in good form this evening, even after a few drinks.
David Rocco ....Just as nice as he is handsome |
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