
Friday, 4 November 2011


So I have decided to document my travels, my life, and my experiences. Hopefully, you at the other end will enjoy reading my stories. Sometimes they will be about food  and cooking. Sometimes they will be about my travels and where I am at any given moment. Life to me has always been an adventure and you never know what is just around the corner.

In my spare time, I have started writing a book. Well actually, it's a cookbook. I have so many friends who say they can't cook and it takes too long, so I am going to prove them wrong. I thought that if they heard my stories about certain foods and cities, they would join me in trying to recreate the experience themselves. So, you are going to hear a bit about my book and you are going to hear about places I love and a bit about my life in general.

Now tomorrow I am going to the wine gala. This is a time to try many of the new wines served with food from our local eateries here in North Bay.  Is it all about the wine? Well yes, but it's all about having fun. We are starting our evening with Rick Emmett performing. This will also include a silent auction which sometimes, if I have had enough wine, can get a little bit out of hand as I bid way too much on things - but it's a fundraiser and isn't that we are to do. One year two of us were bidding on Michael Buble tickets to his concert, a one night stay and a vehicle to get us there. When we hit $950, I think we finally stopped - and it's a good thing too. That would have been a rude awakening the next morning, but Michael Bublie is worth it.

Hey it was only a month ago at the Ritz Carlton that I was bribing someone with $100 to get me closer to George Clooney who was partying in the bar there (where three of us girls had ended up that evening) after his Toronto Film Festival debut of his Ides of March....see it does getter. I told you this would be exciting. And throw in Ryan Gosling for good luck - yes he was at the party too, with his mom, and you can't get any better than that.

So back to the wine gala. After trying on 17 black dresses in my closest, I still don't know which one I will be wearing, but I am sure I will figure it out tomorrow. It's a day of primping to look our best - you would never guess that by the end of the night though. We have a trusty driver picking us up to make sure we get there, and who will bring us all home so we make it in one piece. So stay tuned as I tell you about our evening and I will try to remember some of the names of the wines I drink tomorrow night.

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