
Sunday 26 February 2012


Back home again, safe and sound after having my flights cancelled due to a strike in Frankfurt and eventually making it home in one piece with three flights that had me running through the airports to catch them on time. Rested? Yes. Although I loved Paris, it's fashion, it's food and the sights, I left a piece of my heart in Venice...with the people we met, the laughs we shared, the food we ate, and the life experiences too hard to put in words of a festival that is an authentic recreation of the closest thing that I will ever get to being in the 18th century. I would definitely recommend that someday in your life you get the chance to go during carnival time in Venice, and I am sure you will feel welcomed by the Venetians.

We barely get over the jet lag and my cousin has already said she misses being in Venice. Will there be another trip. Of course there will...and for sure another carnival.

Sunrise over Venice on our last day

Monday 20 February 2012


Another of Venice's islands is Torcello. Only 16 people live on this island - not counting the cats and chickens we saw. There a lot of homes that are for sale here. Yet, as we make our way to one of its churches, you come across an inn, a few restaurants, and many homes. We didn't see any of the 16 inhabitants that they say live there. Because of its beauty and location, many couples come here to get married. Also located here is Cipriani Inn and restaurant.

If you have been reading my blogs through Venice, you will recall that the Cipriani family are the ones who have Harry's Bar and where the Bellini and carpaccio were invented. This inn/restaurant was their second location. Their third of course is the well known Harry's Bar in Manhattan, New York.

This island is quiet, serene, and beautiful. It's a little windy today and a bit cool for this time of year, but this is a nice island to go visit to slow down and relax and forget about our frantic and busy lives.


Burano is one of the islands belonging to Venice. For me it is the prettiest. One of the rules there is that if you want to paint your house, you have to go through the municipality and they will tell you what colour you can paint the outside of your home or if the colour that you have chosen is okay. It is one of the brightest and most colourful islands. This is where lace making exists.

We are led by our guide to Olga, one of the oldest lace makers on the island. The island is quaint with small shops along the main road, but the majority of shops sell lace and embroidered products. As I look at what they have, I realize that my mother has done a lot of the same work and that I have many of the pieces she has given me still to this day. They say that this art is passed down on the island to female family members, but don't wait for me to do any lace making...that talent missed the boat with me.


This is one of  our mask and cloak nights when you walk around town and enjoy the festivities. Of course along the way you stop and have a glass of wine, a bite to eat, and then you continue on your way. Let me tell you that when you  do sit down, you really don't want to get back up, especially when you get a bunch of girls together...we catch up since we don't see each other too often.

On this night we hit a few places. One of these is the famous Harry's Bar where the Bellinis and carpaccio were invented by the Cipriani family..but keep your pocketbook (sorry...wallet...shows you what ten days with my American cousin can do to me) handy. They run you a fair price...but it's the experience. We meet an American along our walk through St. Mark's Square. He makes his way, albeit a little on the drunk side, with a glass of beer in his hand as he tries to help us girls find the location of the bar using his cellphone. When we do find it and try to get it, it is already very busy and full and we are four girls this evening. Our other counterpart is sleeping in the hotel room. She flew in from California via New York and needed to catch up on some sleep. We opt to go to another sit down bar/restaurant and do some catching up.

Sunday 19 February 2012


St. Mark's square is transformed for carnival. Usually the birds get the square all to themselves, but during the carnival they seem to have gone on vacation. So much for that picture I wanted to take with me in the middle of thousands of birds as they fly around me. (My Marylin Monroe moment no less).

There is continuous entertainment there from morning until evening and if you want to come for the carnival just to experience it, this is a very inexpensive way to do it. You don't even have to put a mask on. You can spend all day here if you like...and many people do.


Here are just a few pictures of Venice in the past few days. The last time I was here was ten years ago. It hasn't changed at all. It is still  a very romantic city. It is not usually this busy though...but this was to be expected because of the carnival. Summer is also a busy time as well with many tourists. But that is when Venice is at its best...when it is packed with tourists.