
Sunday 19 February 2012


I was so excited to pick up my costume yesterday, I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel and get it on. My cousin had the same excitement...This has been an event I have wanted to do for a long time, but the opportunity didn't come along until now. Some of my friends and family may have heard me say that my cousin had called before we were leaving for our trip to tell me that she didn't think her dress would fit. Really? She lied on her measurements a bit ...really? ...with good intentions though. Add on top of that the days we spent in Paris eating our way through the pastry shops guessed it. The dress did not fit. But no worries, we are in Italy now. You don't stress over things like that. They had a replacement for her in no time, and a quite lovely one at that.

Now these dresses come in a few pieces. Once I put the under dress, and pulled the gold dress over my head, my cousin had to pull as tight as she could and tie me up. It's no wonder those women needed help getting dressed. Suck it in and hold your breath. I think the transformation was pretty good. All of a sudden I felt like I belonged to the century that my dress was from. I didn 't walk - no, I floated. It was amazing. I would say it made me feel like a queen ...well maybe not a queen - a princess. But where were our princes?

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