
Monday 20 February 2012


Burano is one of the islands belonging to Venice. For me it is the prettiest. One of the rules there is that if you want to paint your house, you have to go through the municipality and they will tell you what colour you can paint the outside of your home or if the colour that you have chosen is okay. It is one of the brightest and most colourful islands. This is where lace making exists.

We are led by our guide to Olga, one of the oldest lace makers on the island. The island is quaint with small shops along the main road, but the majority of shops sell lace and embroidered products. As I look at what they have, I realize that my mother has done a lot of the same work and that I have many of the pieces she has given me still to this day. They say that this art is passed down on the island to female family members, but don't wait for me to do any lace making...that talent missed the boat with me.

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