
Friday 17 February 2012


As you walk through the streets of Venice every other shop is a mask shop. In the squares they have set up tents selling capes, costumes, and masks. Some have a mask on and some don't. Some are dressed up in costumes and others go about their way...but none is an usual sight for these people. We have brought a few masks with us but there are so many nice ones that we pick a few more. Prices vary from shop to shop, but you never know if you will find that shop again because of so many little ally ways that we buy as we go. So it's not unusual to pay too much at one and very little at another. Some of the ones we brought from home only cost us a couple of dollars but can run you 18 euros here. The mask shops are beautiful with masks that go up to hundreds of euros.

So as we go through the streets at night we will put on our masks..not during the day though.

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