
Sunday, 19 February 2012


Before we go in costume to our ball, my cousin and I decide to walk over to St. Mark's square in our costume. When you do this, what happens is that people want to take your picture. You walk slowly...well remember what I said float climbing up and down the bridges....and there are a lot of bridges in Venice. As we make our way we have to stop a lot and pose for pictures. Many times people want their photo with you, so we oblige.Almost an hour later we finally make it to the square. Now we walk around doing the same thing as people take your picture. For a few hours you actually feel like a celebrity and we are actors playing a part. We are masked as are many others in the square - but unlike some of the ones that have been doing this for years, we get excited when we see others in costume and we pull out our camera and the playbook and take pictures. That kind of ruins the image. Quite a few times others wanted us to join them as people took pictures of the whole group.

We met a group of three who we spent time with in the square. They were from Venice and were dressed as two generals and Marie Antoinette. The only name I can remember was Fabrizio, the guy dressed in the black general's outfit. I have included those pictures as well as others. One thing I do have to say is that when you are dressed in costume and have a mask on, you really can't tell who is behind the have to do a lot of listening.

As I go to download some of the pictures I realize that some of the ones I want are not on the playbook but the camera, so I will have to add more pictures when I get home. We have five cameras between the two of us and shift between them during the day. We are meeting our friends at 6 tonight before they head off to their ball and us to ours.


We  finally have a picture with all of us

The five of us girls (that would be Bob in the background).
Another guy we met along the way who wanted a picture with all of us.

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