
Saturday 11 February 2012


Well, the two of us have made it to Paris in one piece - no sleep and a bit ragged. We managed to find each other in the terminal...but Lucy had to do some fast running from one terminal to the one I was coming into (she thinks it was 2 miles). And it could have been...all she knows was that it was far. We did a bit of sightseeing today, but with all those pastry shops one after another and the coffee, we didn't get too far. They were the best croissants I have ever tasted. We did a lot of walking, and give us credit, on no sleep, I think we did pretty good. Who knew they shut down the parks in the evening...We didn't get the handbook on whistle blowing. Did we know it meant they were closing...I think not, but we will know now. It's a good thing they didn't shut the gates with us in there....Could you have seen that. I did buy a new cookbook today though....surprise.

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